
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Half Bath Update

Work on the half bath is happily progressing, albeit rather slowly.

Saturday we laid the cement board and Sunday we began tiling. We tiled well into the late evening when we realized our neighbors might not enjoy the roar of the tile saw at 10pm. So she sits awaiting for the more technical cuts around the door to be cut.

I took this picture around midnight so the lighting sucked. I'm sure the fact that it's an iPhone picture also contributes to the suckiness in quality. I tend to drain and never charge the battery/spare batteries of both of my digital cameras. And that is so not a good representation of the tile color.

Next topic of business...

I don't know if you thrifty bloggers have already taken advantage of this deal... but Lowe's has a pretty sweet promotion going on right now, the Lowe's Tax Refund Card.

Essentially, you buy a Tax Refund Card with a starting amount between $500 - $4,000 and on March 18th Lowe's will credit 10% of the original card amount to your card. In my case I bought a $600 card, so on March 18th $60 will be credited to my card. It's not a trillion bucks, but it will at least buy me a couple gallons of paint. But if you happen to be the lucky owner of a 10% off coupon from Lowe's or Home Depot you can double your profit! (That was your cue to get a change of address packet from the post office)

If only I had known about this promotion 3 weeks ago, I could have banked some serious dough. By the time this promotion rolled around we had already dropped one thousand bones at Lowe's buying tiling supplies and 3 new toilets.

I have tons of projects in the works with none completed thanks to the insane amount of schoolwork and time I've had to dedicate to schooling this past week. C'est la vie!

Did you buy a Tax Refund Card? If so, what are you going to use it for?

Monday, February 7, 2011


We are in the midst of an all out project fest. Last night Eric said (and I quote) "That's it we are limiting ourselves to one project at a time, I don't even want to come home anymore!"

My sentiments exactly.

We (mainly, me) are working on 5 fairly HUGE projects at once. the half bath and master bathroom, the stairs, painting the basement, and painting a new credenza.

The pictures suck. I used my iPhone. Too lazy to grab digicam.
What you see when you open the front door

Removing linoleum
Ready for some tile
The kitchen mess
More kitchen mess
The dog perched upon kitchen mess
The stairs that I am slowly refinishing... very slowly.
Bathroom vanity being painted in the living room and the bathroom sink just hanging out
Cabinets drying after a coat of paint... right in front of the tv, for your viewing pleasure :)
Shoot me now.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Look What I found!

Craig and his List finally came through! After months and months of scouring posts and emailing strangers I finally got my grubby little hands on a mid-century modern credenza!

I was so excited to get her that I practically carried her out without paying the guy. He had to remind me fork over the money first. Doh.

This is what 75 clams got me.

 Isn't she beautiful??
I love how you open the drawers!

She also has these really cool bronze insets on each corner. I have no clue how to pop them off though. I so don't want to paint over them!

While giving her a good clean with some Clorox wipes, her coat of poly started to come off..... Ugh Oh.

These are some pictures her ex-owner sent me before our cash exchange rendezvous went down.

I already bought primer and paint. I want to tackle her today.right now.this instant. But I don't know how to get those damn insets off.

I still can't believe I actually found something awesome on Craigslist! The guy originally wanted a C-note ($100), but I bartered with him and we finally agreed on 75 clams.

Have you found anything great on Craigslist recently??